Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Break Ups

You cannot finish the book of life,
without closing it's chapters.

If you want to go on...
then you have to leave the past
as you turn the pages.(Pravs World)
Break ups

Ending a relationship is not easy – especially if it’s not your choice. Misery replaces all good memories once the relationship ends, because, at the very least, you have lost the emotional investment you made in that relationship. All feelings of failure, hopelessness, loss, despair, and desperation creeps their way in. In most cases, the length of the relationship compounds the pain of loss – a break up after half a lifetime together can seem like the end of the world. It feels like a part of you has been taken away, the eerie feeling of having one limb severed, or things that seem too normal may now be very difficult like shopping, watching movies or eating out because part of those routines are part of the memories with the ex-partner…Sigh!

Whatever the reason for a breakup, coping can be a challenge, because even a disappointing relationship starts out with an emotional investment. Serious relationships begin on a high note of excitement and hope for the future. Couples invest time, energy, plans, dreams and hope for the future in love relationships. When these relationships fail, profound disappointment is experienced.

Every loss is always painful, especially lost relationships over death, over misunderstandings, over distance…but life is designed and molded from a web of uncertainty…Life is already difficult than it should be, what more with relationships when you have to make both wavelengths of emotions and thinking meet at certain level…

There’s no such thing as right way of coping but there are some helpful tips…and overtime, the pain just go away....memories fade and grief subsides..

For whatever its worth, I would still like to take the challenge of loving and losing than not feel it at all…so BRING IT ON!