Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Hearts Day everyone!!!

I received this text today: " I keep you in my heart and in my thoughts when I am alone, when I'm doing something and even when I'm sleeping...these things I promise you.......

I will always love you...

I miss you...I am missing you, I always miss you...

I will always carry you in my heart...

I will always cherish you..

I will be that something in your nothingness..

I will take care of you...

I will forever adore you...

and take your breath away

sweep you off your feet...

caress you tenderly...

I will respect your being...

will love you at your best, and love you more at your worst..

I will put meaning to your life...

build wonderful memories with you...

grow old with you...

I will understand patient with you..

I will protect you...

My Only goal is to make you happy...being with me..

Make you part of my life...through thick and thin...

You are the reason Im still hanging on...

Despite the trials im going through..

Always remember that I love you very much...

I really long to see you and put a smile on your face...

I wish I could do it all now...

Just to hold your hand and be with you...

I miss you so much...

Thank you for your understanding...

Im inspired because of you..

I thank you for coming to my life...

for making me feel Im special too...

You are the most amazing woman I have ever known...and would like to know more...

I am such a lucky guy...will always be..because i got you...

5 pages of text message...and guess what? I BELIEVE HIM!!!