EMO date, 2011
My dearest MADAM vanISSA,
I have so many things I want to tell you but I don’t think I have enough space here….so for now I will just tell you things that are pressing for the moment. I know you are going through rough times…and I know it’s the same thing all over again…and you may sometimes doubt your capacity as a person, so here’s what I want you to affirm in your life:
1. You are beautiful, young, sexy and exotic. Any guy would like to know you better if you just open a door for them to enter your life.
2. You should be respected, pampered and cared for even just for the sole reason that you are a human being and have rights.....dont ever think that you don’t deserve it because you do!
3. If you are constantly unhappy about something then maybe its time to let go of it. It may hurt much, but that pain will go away when it is replaced by self-esteem that you have lost along the way.
4. Don’t ever feel SELF-PITY. You owe it to yourself to be happy, happiness is a choice…so if you are in misery that’s because you chose that….so don’t punish yourself by thinking you are worth for nothing because you have endured so much and to regret about everything is like digging yourself a hole.
5. Feel your age, live young and live freely….my friend, you are still very young and have so much ahead of you…live the way you should and not the way other people tell you to..
6. Always do the right thing even if it’s the hardest thing to do…..however painful to go through one thing, sleeping peacefully at night rewards it fully. My friend, I don’t want to see you cry over a guy who does nothing but insults and disrespects you, you owe it to yourself to stop that emotional abuse….please consider that thought.
7. Continue your studies and finish it…that’s the only weapon you can arm yourself from the harsh realities of life. If money is the reason they can insult you then arm yourself with same. You can use that to improve yourself and be better than them.
8. Do not get swallowed by the glitz and glamour of the other side of the fence. Material things are temporary, but emotional distress will build up and will damage you for the rest of your life.
9. Stay close to your family. I salute you for always considering their needs first before yours, that’s so noble…so keep them close at all times.
10. I want you to know that I care for you…I told you time and again that I treat you as my younger sister and that I will constantly give you an eyeful and I will keep it that way til I can see that you are ready to spread your wings and fly high. Take very good care of yourself my friend..
Love lots,