Monday, October 24, 2011

CONTEMPLATION: The Workaholic in ME!

Wow, this is actually my first night in two weeks straight that I can retire early ( if you can say that 1220am is still early). I got this new contract on my online job that keeps me awake all night just to hit the required quota per week. And mind you, its quite a challenging one. Not because the task is so, but because the process is tedious and time-consuming. I work even on my off hours, but hey, I aint complaining. It is extra money for me, and I believe I can juggle my time between my daytime job, my son, my apartment duties and this one. Oh, not to mention the household chores and time to take a bath. Hahahaha!!

Seriously though, I accepted this contract because I feel the need to save for my plans next year. one of my contemplation moments, it got me to this point where I miss my love for travel. I traveled heavily the past years and it stopped when one financial crisis led to another. My savings were used up and there are still bills to pay. So I thought of a way to help myself. I found this one to be a good solution. I can put my internet connection to good use finally than just hitting FB and Twitter.

Right now, I am under contract with 3 employers for my online job. I write, I tweet and I recruit. Yeah, how do you think I can manage all that? Well, I spend my first waking hour checking my emails for my recruiting job, sort them out and once done I head to my office ( After having a good you!)

At the office, I dont work much for my online job out of respect to my company, although I still check my continue sorting them so that when I get home, it is already organized. My tweeting job takes around 2.5 hours to complete for 5 accounts and letting TweetAttacks run by itself. As soon as I am home, I start making invites. That's when I dont keep track of the time anymore as I have to aim for 250 invites a day. It sounds easy really, but the process is the one lagging me. The exact process is this: I check my pipeline assignment, read the description and find a good candidate based on the qualifications specified. When I find my candidate, I paste the permalink to the Inviter Tool and see if he/she has been previously invited or not. If so, I skip that and find another one. If the prospect can be invited, I have to send an invitation letter with the job description attached. Once the candidate accepts the invitation, I then send an offer for Testing. In between that, I have to check my emails for replies and declines. I have to reply to the queries which some of them are really so senseless, so there are times I curse myself for ever finding that candidate...( shhhh...*wink*). Once the candidate accepts the offer for testing phase, I have to put them into the tracker with their details so that the closer can handle them from then on. That is supposed to be the last step of my responsibilities, but I have to continue to process the other invites, imagine how many candidates I have to get into the tracker everyday? Can you even begin to imagine?

I do not accept a job that i know I cant deliver for. So to make sure I hit the quota, I put in extra hours to process them fully. So far, my eyebags are 5 kilos heavier...I dont know the week after this, so wish me luck!!! Now your question is, is it worth it? Well, I am not really a day person, so spending sleepless nights is okay with me, what I fear is that my body might surrender more than the mind can take. And of course, the extra income is a nice welcome to my pocket. It is like having a 100% raise with my current regular job, so again, I aint complaining!

My plans? I want to travel outside the country!!! I want to see long lost friends, relatives and the places I got to know through my readings. Touching base is always important to me, and how could I ever materialize that plan if I aint got dough to start with?? So, the workaholic in me is pumping energy out of my breath just to fulfill that. Dont forget that I have a son who wants to tag actually Im saving for two!! But I promised him, only one out-of-the -country travel per year for us. God help me!!

I could say that I did fairly well for the 2 weeks that passed...hah, with the heavy eyebags now, I think I do not only deserve a pat on my back but a standing ovation as well!! One friend of mine told me that I am becoming so anti-social because my routine is now home-office-home.....and in front of the computer all the time!! I guess, its partly true. But in time, I would learn the ropes of inviting in the most efficient way and maybe could spare my weekends again to myself!!

My contemplation is this, to earn money is tough, to do the process is even tougher, so guys love your job. Dont complain the long hours required by your bosses for the same salary you get, instead be thankful that you have paydays to wait for. Dont complain for being tired, instead be thankful that you got tired because you worked, not because you looked for one.

When I feel like giving up, I just listen to my fave songs, and right away it gives me the urge to sing along....( you thought this was another hey guys line...;-). Seriously again, I am thankful that I can use my resources to earn money..and extra at that. So why complain??

But for now, I really got to sleep as my body is telling me to do so. Hey, I aint complaining..the spirit is willing but the flesh is please understand!

Have a good week ahead all of you!!